Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tent City

This weekend we were a part of Occupy Steorts (aka we attempted to camp in our friend's backyard, attempted a fire in a firepit, and tried free-spirited activities such as slack-lining).  We all ended up sleeping at our own houses anyway so that's that.   I just want to say that slack-lining is probably the hardest thing ever. 


  1. Attempted a fire? You mean you weren't successful? I am an expert at camp fires!

    BTW I love your title. You know my story about the Tent City- Right?

    1. Haha yeah! We had a fire pit, but the wood was damp or something because it wouldn't really catch fire- regardless of how much alcohol and newspaper we were putting in it haha and are you speaking of you family's "tent city"? aka "the gathering" hahaha

    2. And the post title was inspired by "Rack City". You shouldn't be surprised ;)

    3. hahahahahahaaaaaa......I am NOT surprised at all, only you.
